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American journalist Glenn Greenwald, right, speaks to a congressional committee investigating reports based on documents, leaked by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, showing that Brazil was targeted by spy agencies from the U.S., Britain and Canada, at Congress in Brasilia, Brazil, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013. At left his Greenwald’s partner David Miranda. Greenwald, the who broke the first stories about the NSA’s global spy program, told the committee that the U.S. government “lies” when it says that the aim of the NSA spy program is to combat terrorism. (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)
BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) — The American journalist who broke the first stories about the National Security Agency’s global spy program says it is part of the American government’s efforts to increase its influence and power around the world and gain economic advantages.

Glenn Greenwald, who is based in Rio de Janeiro and writes for Britain’s Guardian newspaper and the Washington Post, told a Brazilian Senate committee on Wednesday that the U.S. government lies when it says that the aim of the NSA spy program is to combat terrorism. He spoke in Portuguese

The committee is investigating reports based on documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden showing that Latin America’s biggest nation has been a target for United States, British and Canadian spy agencies.

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