“Our Health is Destroy for the Lack of Knowledge and Discipline”

Only Big Eating Seems Interesting To You

“Obesity has become the most leading threat to health for
Americans”. My previous article on “Obesity” was to bring
awareness to the universal importance of removing fake
foods, preservatives, chemical lance foods, artificial flavor
drinks and foods and artificial colored foods. Being
overweight is one of the main causes of high blood
pressure, heart attacks and strokes, knee, back, neck and
foot problems. Yes, you may exercise (jog, lift weights,
count steps, jump rope, etc.) but the results of losing
weight has not resulted. Why? Because the cause was
eating “unhealthy”, “unfit”, and “unclean” foods. Weight
loss happens when you stop eating what cause weight
gain. Tell me is it that hard to change from destruction to
construction, from hating self to loving self, from tearing
down to building up. Eating healthy is a process of
change. A process of reloving self. Some of you are on
the right track but if you just sit there, you can get run over.
Look around and you can see death called the walking
dead because of eating dead foods. Dead flesh is not for

the living. Listen, mental illness is a disease, physical
illness is a disease, and spiritual illness is a disease. Dis-
ease is because of dis-obedience to the natural way of
eating. Toxic waste, and toxic surroundings (yes toxic
surrounds will stress the body from losing weight). There
are overweight vegans, vegetarians, and plant base
people. Overeating the right foods is just as dangerous to
one’s health. I believe that is called “mental illness” also.
Learn how to eat right, eat the right food at the right time
and the right amount. Self-greed will rise blood pressure
and cause diabetes and other diseases.
You can be a doctor on you. You can heal you.
Information can be given and yet will be of no benefit
when not applied correctly and consistently. “People can
walk with you but can not walk for you”.
Stay in the process of always cleaning the body inside and
outside, stop the cause and the effect will come to an end.
“Don’t let obesity and any disease be the destruction of
you and the generation to follow”. What you put in your
mouth will affect your body and mind.
“Don’t Wait for The Right Moment Take the Moment
and Make it Right”
If you have any comments or suggestions. You can
contact me at [email protected]
Estelle Brooks, Cascade Media, September 9, 2024

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