Cascade Media Group Recently Interviewed Community Activist Lamar Vickers

Category: Community Organizations

In this interview, we discussed the urban summits meeting about the Lynnwood Shopping Center and the closing of the Sun Fresh supermarket due to issues such as vagrancy, drug dealing, prostitution, and homelessness at that location. We explored potential solutions to these problems.
From Mr. Nelson’s perspective, the community, police department, or ministers should not have been involved in solving this problem. The management of the facility is responsible for ensuring that such activities do not occur. There was private security at the location, but they were not doing their job, making it a management problem rather than a community issue.
We also talked about the importance of block voting and group economics. Embracing these two philosophies could generate a different outcome for our community, giving us a seat at the table on political and economic matters. As Mr. Nelson pointed out, “Who you give your money to is who you give your power to.”

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