Navigating the Consequences: When Speaking Out for Social Justice Comes at a Cost

Category: Blog, CMG Columnist, CMG Contributors, Commentary

By Christie A. Cruise, PhD
Occasionally, we must make decisions that may not be popular but are necessary. In his 1965
commencement address at Oberlin College, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stated, “The time is
always right to do what is right.” Nevertheless, choosing the right course of action does not
always lead to the most favorable results.
By July 2023, I had resigned as president of the board of directors of a nonprofit writing
organization for women. Despite initially turning down the opportunity to serve as president, I
later agreed, driven by the belief that I could make a significant impact. However, after just one
year in the role, I decided to step down following actions by a group of older White women
within the organization, one of whom was a board member, that undermined my position. This
occurred after the board decided to delay the annual conference because of financial issues.
During my time on the board, I was under the impression that our financial status was more
positive than it actually was. It wasn’t until I assumed the role of president and started
collaborating closely with the treasurer and executive director that I found out the organization
had been utilizing a former treasurer personal line of credit to support its operations, including
the annual conference. Most of the funds from our yearly fundraising campaign had been
provided by two donors who did not contribute during my tenure, and the conference was
depleting our resources annually.
After George Floyd murder, numerous organizations, including this one, vowed to promote
anti-racism actively. They committed to enhancing board diversity and implementing programs
that reflect this pledge. However, similar to many others, the organizations dedication largely
remained superficial, particularly in challenging entrenched, financially irresponsible practices
lacking inclusivity and diversity. Following being unjustly labeled as angry by two White
women, I realized that safeguarding my mental well-being was more crucial than persisting in
advocating for an organization that lacked genuine anti-racism commitment. Several Black
individuals, people of color, and allies also resigned in solidarity. I sincerely appreciate those
who prioritized truth and unity over mere titles and positions.
During that same year, I encountered another challenging situation: whether to uphold the
current state of affairs or advocate for what is just. I lodged a complaint against a colleague for
making discriminatory remarks against Black and Asian individuals, triggering an inquiry by the
university's Equal Employment Opportunity office. As I voiced my concerns about the prejudice
I had observed, I encountered backlash and harassment, ultimately leading to my departure from
the position. After serving for only a year in that capacity, I opted to take a break and
subsequently resigned. This ordeal had a considerable impact on my psychological well-being.
Regrettably, I know I am not the only one encountering these difficulties. Upon departing the
writing organization, I found a support network for Black women striving for liberation from
toxic work environments. Although I appreciate this assistance, it underscores an alarming fact
that these groups are needed.

The fight for justice and equality evokes memories of Colin Kaepernick choice to kneel during
the national anthem in 2016. Kaepernick protest against racial injustice and police brutality
ignited a national conversation and positioned him alongside a legacy of athletes who have
leveraged their influence to champion civil rights. Like figures such as Martin Luther King Jr.,
Malcolm X, and the Black Panther Party, his actions garnered encouragement and considerable
opposition, highlighting the challenges and sacrifices involved in advocating for justice.
These experiences taught me that certain conflicts are worth engaging in, but prioritizing our
mental health and well-being is just as crucial. In some situations, we face a choice between
standing up for what’s right and remaining silent. What decision will you make?
I hope you will always choose what is right, even at a cost.

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