Category: CMG Contributors, Commentary

Easter is my favorite holiday and has been since I was a kid. Easter time was when
my Mom would take me and my two brothers to Rothchild’s downtown for a new
suit. It was the one time of the year when we go a new suit and we looked
forward to it. There was a man named Bud who would show us suits and then
mark them for tailoring. We would pick them up the next week and Easter Sunday
morning we would don those new threads and man what a feeling. Nothing
better than a new suit, tailored perfectly on a Easter Sunday heading to church.
Easter Sunday was also a day when the whole family would go out for lunch. We
usually went to Brentton’s down the street from the Gardens on Baltimore or
sometimes to the Wishbone on Main but we always went out on Easter.
As a Catholic Easter is the most religious of times. This time commemorates Jesus
being crucified and rising from the dead. The whole week proceeding Easter
Sunday has some religious meaning. It’s special whether it’s Holy Thursday or
Good Friday the week bring most Catholics back to church.
I attended Church with my Mom and dressed in my traditional seersucker suit
with a blue silk dress shirt untucked I felt a little casual for Easter until I saw what
the majority of parishioners were wearing. Short pants, blue jeans, Chiefs gear?
What the hell were they thinking? Has fashion and respect for Church gone down
the tubes with the rest of society. That’s where the black community comes in. I
have always been impressed with the dress of patrons of churches in the black
community. Sunday Best and Easter Sunday brings out the best of the best!
Easter is a great time to be with family, reflect on your religious beliefs if you have
any, dress to the nines and eat a meal out. Great for kids but don’t forget the
chocolate bunnies.
(Buona Pasqua) Happy Easter

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