Estelle Brooks Sharing Some Tips On Wellness & Nutrition

Category: CMG Columnist, Health & Wellness, News

Hi, my name is Estelle Brooks. I am going to share with you information on Wellness and Nutrition. First, I would like to say I am a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist. I believe that the most important thing about wellness and nutrition is to love yourself. I would like to say to love yourself is to give yourself the best of everything. “What you love you do not destroy”. Exercise is a very important part of wellness and nutrition, and if you’re interested in becoming a certified personal trainer like myself, you might want to check out the excellent resources available at Wellness means to be well spiritually, mentally, physically, and creatively.

Nutrition is consistent of not only eating healthily but learning how to eat, when to eat and knowing what you are eating and what it does for the body, mind and spirit. Nutrition begins by reading the ingredients of what you consume. The quality of the food is more important than the quantity of the food. It is often said you are what you eat, but you also are the knowledge of what you eat. When you don’t know what you eat it will have an effect on the body’s organs. Therefore, to be well you must eat well. You do not have to eat three meals a day as it has been often said by the FDA. One must eat to live and not live to eat. Your nutrition daily should consist of water, plant protein powder, fruits, and vegetables. Breakfast which means to break your fast from overnight detoxification after sleeping eight hours. You should begin your breakfast, which means again breaking your fast with water, not a cup of coffee, not a cigarette, nor alcohol.

You do not want to start your day by defiling, polluting, or destroying your body organs. Therefore, it is important to begin your day by living and not dying. You must begin your day by “Get busying living or get busying dying”. The way you live is the way you will die. Therefore, I encourage you as you begin your day to rise learning to be aware of how you begin your day. You have one life, one body and one mind. So don’t take the breath of life for granted. Wellness, nutrition and exercise are very important towards your “destiny in life”. Cascade Media Group Columnist Estelle Brooks [email protected]

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