“For the love of money!!!”

Category: Blog

Colleges are now able to pay student-athletes for their participation in school
sports an d use their image and likeness for marketing purposes it is a multi-
million dollar business and they are now finally cutting the students in on the
profitable billions of dollars they have collected for years from these players of
sports, hope fully the family and student s get financial and legal advice before
signing any contracts or letters of intent that will put them in jeopardy of
binding them to a financial responsibility they will have to honor throughout
their collegiate career you will have sports agent an d crooked lawyers preying
on these kid and their parents offering them gifts of signing bonuses an s
material things to ger them to sign their kids life away;slavery102. A more
common than normally expected and ongoing recent one is with the Mann
family; a gospel comedy television show where they say they invested in an oil
refinery unsolicited commercial communication usually in the form of social
media or email to extract financial profit from an unsuspected person or victim.
It is usually in the format of you get this for that a; monetary value much
greater to pass up on from one to another.to join or connect. They go to your
Messenger of Face Book page and steal your contacts then contact your
Contac’s pretending to be you, a trusted source.
These people have no morals and will steal your last dollar if you let them con
you and lead you along remember what sounds too good to be true usually is
too good to be true. They get conned and don’t trust people you don’t know,
they will even call you to confirm you got their message and they will have a
foreign accent, just hang up!
Be care full and remain alert to scams of this nature!
Comments welcome at:
[email protected]

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