Italian Politics in Kansas City

Category: CMG Columnist, CMG Contributors, Commentary

Growing up in Northeast Kansas City in the 70’s we were surrounded by many Italian American
politicians who had the best interest of Italian Americans in their actions.
Today the Italian Americans of Kansas City have NO ONE to lead them and NO ONE to represent
them in city, county or state politics other than John Rizzo who just left to become Chairman of
the Jackson County Sports Authority.
If you are a student of Kansas City history you would know that when our Sicilian ancestors first
came to Kansas City we were extremely disrespected, mistreated and shown prejudice by the
Irish who controlled the City government.
We had to fight to get our people on ballots and eventually elected to key positions in city,
county and state government. The Italian leaders of those days knew the government was
where the money was and they strived to make sure our people go our fair share.
Today we are not represented anywhere in the city, county and state and in turn we get
nothing and it seems most Italians are OK with it.
The city of KCMO has a $2.3 billion budget and Italians get $30k to put on a festival. What a
joke. The city has us right where they want us. Always worrying about why one Italian is doing
better than the other and fighting amongst ourselves. It a shame and I am ashamed.
I’m calling out all Italian Americans to join together to find young Italian American people who
wants to be a Mayor, Councilperson, County Commissioner, State Representative, State senator
of governor and let’s take back what we once had.
I am openly pledging to use my money, time and resources to help anyone who would take up
the mantel for Italian Americans in Kansas City and I hope you will too

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