Ketchup on a Hot-dog, NO WAY!

Category: CMG Columnist, Commentary, News

As a hot dog connoisseur I always enjoy a great all beef hot dog
whether it’s at home, at a ball game or at the Costco food
court. Hot dogs have become a true all American food staple
even though their origins go back to wurst in Germany. Love
the German sausages but the All American hot dog is the BEST!
Now when folks start talking about topping their dogs there are
many things to discuss. Chili, mustard, onions, relish but never
ketchup. Ketchup on hot dogs are like Trix cereal. Trix are for
kids and so is ketchup on dogs.
Why do you ask are kids prone to put ketchup on their hot digs.
Well I’ll give you some info that will answer that question.
Ketchup has 3.6 grams of sugar per tablespoon.
Mustard has 46 milligrams of sugar in a teaspoon.
In our western society we tend to start feeding sugar to our
babies which in turn makes them want sweet ketchup instead
of tart mustard on their hot dogs which we as parents happily
Now there is one exception. As a kid and now a middle aged
man I sometimes eat friend potatoes and hot dogs which my

mother would sometimes make for dinner and I still enjoy
today, by the way with ketchup because of the potatoes of
course but that is the only exception.
Now what those Chicagoans do to their hot dogs with celery
salt, tomatoes, sport peppers is just an abnormality which the
rest of the country just attributes to lake effect winter snow
that never thaws in their heads.
So in retrospect get you and all beef hot dog. Boil it, grill it, fry it
and top it with yellow mustard and enjoy it but save the
ketchup for the fries.

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