Cascade media group traveled to Louisville, Ky January 30, 2016 for the “Fully Loaded” rap battle hosted by King Beanz (President of AHAT Louisville/owner of Louisville Battle Rap) . I met with people from Mephis, TN, Louisville, KY, Ypsilanti, MI and a few other states. You’ll see appearances from , Phokused The Great, Project X, Buck, Tre-Bo, King Beanz. We received a special treat from Louie and Praphit_G from Quality Music Radio (#QMR), they gave us a few bars. These are a few names on the card Henny Hardaway, Looney Tha Prablum, Maniak, T Redd, Malik Knox, Da Gorman Ishh, Mark D, Danger P and Yellah. They showed much love to Kansas City and are looking forward to visiting us soon.