“Our Health is Destroy for the Lack of Knowledge and Discipline”

Only Big Eating Seems Interesting To You
What you put in your mouth will control your health,
purpose and destiny. Your overweight is caused by your
self-greed. Don’t cling to yesterday that was yesterday.
How are you going to eat today? The serious health
consequences of being overweight or obese are currently
stated that 69% of adults are overweight. Obesity
contributes to several of the leading causes of death in
America including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, many
cancers and strokes. Obesity is one of the most serious
threats to our health. This epidemic is causing our children
to have shorter lives than their parents. Don’t talk about
the wrong foods you ate yesterday, yesternight or when
you were young. Correct your nutrition “now”. It is true
that the food in the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s was bad, but
today’s food is much worse. Sure, obesity has risen to
enormous levels because you have gone from 3 meals a
day to eating all day. Childhood weight problems can lead
to high blood pressure, cholesterol, joint problems, type 2
diabetes, asthma and depression. Obesity has affected

children ages 2-19 since 1980. An average of two out of
three adults are overweight or obese in the U.S. It is
stated that in the past 30 years obesity has doubled.
Obesity costs the nation an estimated $147 billion per year
in medical costs. It is past time for change. Change
needs to be done now. The only thing more precious than
your time is who you spend it with, what you spend it on
and what you spend time doing. How to lose weight
begins at the table. To lose weight don’t overeat too much
of the right food and don’t eat the wrong foods. Don’t just
respect yourself, love yourself. “What you love you don’t
destroy”. Look in the mirror at the one you love and
truthfully ask yourself are you pleased with what you see.
If not ask yourself, what did you do wrong to look that
way? What food did you eat that causes your body to
become overweight. Did stress, worry, anxiety, self-pity or
just plain gluttony cause you to look that away. No one
can eat problems away. “To win you have to lose”. The
first steps start with you.
“Don’t Wait for The Right Moment Take the Moment
and Make it Right”
If you have any comments or suggestions. You can
contact me at [email protected]
Estelle Brooks, Cascade Media, August 15, 2024

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