How to Turn A Brand Around

Category: Business, featured-interviews

Amanda Brinkman is an “intrepreneur” – someone who is in the corporate environment always creating things from the inside out. Amanda was hired into her company to turn a 100 year legacy brand around and evolve it to be known for all of the things it does now. How do you change that external perception and celebrate the company in a way that is focused on where you are headed as a company rather than where you have been? Amanda decided to create a movement.

Amanda discusses how entrepreneurs can be everywhere, even in the corporate world. She discusses how companies need to have programs that allow their employees to stir up innovation and creativity. She dives into how she has become a story-teller, the importance of a great team, brand integration, the community aspect of small businesses, and so much more!

Amanda works for a company called Deluxe, and to celebrate their 100th year – they decided to do something different. Instead of making a video about them, Deluxe went across the US to tell the stories of 100 small businesses in a documentary called ‘The Small Business Revolution’. They’ve created a movement and now a whole new venture.

Check out this interview and check out ‘The Small Business Revolution’ to see some awesome stories of small business across the US.


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